MiHR Awards First 25th Anniversary Scholarships
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Ottawa, ON, December 1, 2021
MiHR is pleased to announce the first two recipients of its I Chose Mining. Mining Chose Me Scholarship: Jimmy Ding, a 3rd year student in the University of Saskatchewan geological engineering in mining option and Chantelle Delaney, a 3rd year student in the Memorial University engineering and applied science program with a focus on process engineering.
Launched in celebration of MiHR’s 25th anniversary, the scholarship program for post-secondary students in mining-related programs will award a total of 10 $2,500 scholarships over five fiscal years.
“The mining industry is essential to our society,” said Jimmy Ding. “When I was nine years old, I liked collecting gemstones and wondered how they were formed. Now, I’m studying geological engineering and see that without mining we wouldn’t have things like lithium for our cellphone batteries. As a refugee student, I want to pay back Canadian society and am thankful for this scholarship to be able to finish my school and find a job with a mining company.”
“After completing the second year of my degree I learned about the different industries process engineers could work in. Only one stood out to me: mining,” said Chantelle Delaney. “It’s fascinating to learn about the many processes it takes to convert a raw material into a product. The scholarship will allow me to spend more time on my studies, so after I graduate I can hopefully stay in Newfoundland and work as a process engineer.”
“We congratulate Chantelle and Jimmy on their well-earned scholarship,” said MiHR’s Executive Director Ryan Montpellier. “With a high demand for workers, work opportunities for youth in the mining industry are highly accessible – and MiHR is proud to assist talented students with their studies through its 25th anniversary I Chose Mining. Mining Chose Me. Scholarship Program. Chantelle and Jimmy are poised to have successful careers and make a difference in Canada’s mining industry.”
More information about Jimmy and Chantelle can be found at MiHR.ca and MiningNeedsYou.ca scholarship webpages.
Applications are being accepted for next year’s scholarships, with complete eligibility and process details available on both websites.
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About the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)
MiHR is Canada’s knowledge centre for mining labour market information. An independent, non-profit organization, MiHR leads collaboration among mining and exploration companies, organized labour, contractors, educational institutions, industry associations and Indigenous groups to identify opportunities and address the human resource and labour market challenges facing the Canadian minerals and metals sector.
For more information, please contact:
William Meyer
Director, Marketing and Communications
The Mining Industry Human Resources Council
613.270.9696 x 58
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