Social Network to Help New Canadians Enter Ontario Mining Industry
Ottawa, ON, September 25, 2018 – The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) is proud to announce the launch of the Mining Professional Immigrant Network (M-PIN), a free network that helps Ontario mining employers connect in person and online to collaborate with like-minded experts and internationally trained professionals in search of meaningful employment.
In collaboration with the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) and Professions North/Nord (PNN), M-PIN adapts, tests and evaluates innovative engagement methods to better integrate immigrant talent into the Ontario mining industry. It will also offer customized training for mining human resource practitioners to better recognize and address potential barriers to employment.
“M-PIN provides new Canadians, immigrant serving organizations and mining companies with a free forum to network and learn more about Ontario’s mining industry and its diverse array of job opportunities,” said Jennifer Wright, MiHR’s Senior Director of Employment and Diversity Initiatives. “MiHR is also collaborating with TRIEC through M-PIN to offer 50 free licences to its Achieving Success training curriculum to help landed immigrants integrate into the Canadian workforce.”
“Alongside training, and the removal of barriers, MiHR’s new network aims to build strong, sustainable connections between immigrant professionals and mining industry employers,” said Debroy Chan, TRIEC’s Director of Immigrant Inclusion Strategies.
“M-PIN creates valuable online and in person networking opportunities for internationally trained professionals and mining human resource staff, such as connection opportunities or webinars to reach the widest audience possible;” said Scott Fisher, Project Manger at Professions North.
The M-PIN network includes face-to-face meet-ups and an online community hosted as a subgroup of MiHR’s ENSEMBLE: The Mining Diversity Network, which brings together industry professionals, associations, Indigenous groups and immigrant employment counselors to find ways to promote diversity and inclusion in mining. Once registered to ENSEMBLE, individuals can request access to M-PIN by emailing
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About the Mining Industry Human Resources Council
MiHR is an independent, non-profit organization that drives collaboration among mining and exploration companies, organized labour, contractors, educational institutions, industry associations and Indigenous groups to identify opportunities and address the human resource and labour market challenges facing the Canadian minerals and metals sector.
For More Information
John Braniff
Communications Coordinator
The Mining Industry Human Resources Council
613.270.9696 x241
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