MiHR Green Jobs Work Placement Program Extended for Two Years
OTTAWA, ON, June 5, 2023 – The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) is pleased to announce it has been provided $2M in funding support from Natural Resources Canada to extend its Green Jobs program to March 31, 2025. The extension will help mining employers access 80 wage subsidies to enable job-ready youth to gain meaningful work experience in mining through paid placements that focus on clean technology and innovation.
Announced today by Natural Resources Canada, MiHR’s Green Jobs Program is funded through the Government of Canada’s Science and Technology Internship Program—Green jobs (STIP-Green jobs) which is part of the broader Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS). The YESS supports youth, particularly those facing barriers to employment, gain the skills and work experience they need to make a successful transition into the labour market.
STIP – Green Jobs has been renewed for $31.2M over the next two years to create 960 green jobs for youth. This funding enables employers in the natural resources sector across Canada, including in remote and Northern communities, to provide youth with work experience and skills training opportunities that contribute to positive environmental outcomes.
Through MiHR’s Green Jobs program, mining employers have access to 40 wage subsidies each fiscal year for job-ready youth up to $24,000 and up to $30,000 for Indigenous youth, youth living with a disability and Northern and remote youth.
“Green Jobs has been an excellent opportunity for MiHR to help mining employers leverage talent for future recruitment needs,” said Ryan Montpellier, Executive Director of MiHR. “With current and a forecasted increase in labour supply shortages, Green Jobs is instrumental to exposing youth of diverse backgrounds to environmental careers in mining and strengthening Canada’s mining industry labour market.”
“Our growing clean industries need talented and well-trained young people working in science and technology. Whether it is building electric vehicles, mapping clean energy sites, or managing our growing smart-grids, the interns and trainees we are supporting today will be the leaders of tomorrow. A net-zero future means many more sustainable jobs, and today’s investment is an important step towards creating them.”
Julie Dabrusin
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Mining employers can learn more about MiHR’s Green Jobs program and apply for wage subsidies at https://mihr.ca/career-development/green-jobs/.
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About the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)
MiHR is Canada’s knowledge centre for mining labour market intelligence. An independent, non-profit organization, MiHR drives collaboration among mining and exploration companies, organized labour, contractors, educational institutions, industry associations and Indigenous groups to identify opportunities and address the human resource and labour market challenges facing the Canadian minerals and metals sector.
For More Information:
William Meyer
Director of Marketing & Communication
The Mining Industry Human Resources Council
613.270.9696 x258
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